It is located on the higher part of the Aventine hill, between the Garden of the Orange trees and the villa of the Priorate of Malta, then in the middle of the area of the Circus Maximus and offers the option of watching the Dome of St. Peter's Basilica through a tunnel of trees and hedges which give the feeling of observing the landscape as if you were using a telescope.
It’s a romantic landscape, as only Rome knows how to be, and it is amazing the perfection with which the door and the gardens are centered on the main goal, almost as if they were specially constructed to enhance the beauty of the Dome of St. Peter's. The lock is the main door of the Villa of the Priory of the Knights of Malta, located in the Piazza dei Cavalieri di Malta, on the Aventino Hill, a few steps from another romantic attraction: the Garden of the Oranges.